Brace yourselves, Applewood—daylight saving time is coming for your sleep

This weekend, as we lose an hour of sleep we ask once again: why? Here’s what to expect as the clocks spring forward.

Brace yourselves, Applewood—daylight saving time is coming for your sleep
Photo by Icons8 Team / Unsplash

It’s that time of year again—literally. This Saturday night (or technically, early Sunday morning), Applewood residents will be robbed of a precious hour of sleep as we “spring forward” for Daylight Saving Time (DST). At 2:00 a.m. on March 9, the clocks will jump ahead to 3:00 a.m., fast-tracking us into more evening daylight and more morning grogginess.

If you’re like most people, you’re probably wondering why we’re still subjecting ourselves to this twice-a-year time warp. Originally designed to maximize daylight and save energy (which studies show isn’t even that effective), DST now mostly serves to confuse our internal clocks, disrupt our sleep patterns, and make Monday mornings even more unbearable than they already are.

For early risers, the time change means waking up in the dark for a few extra weeks. For night owls, it’s the annual reminder that sleep schedules are delicate ecosystems, easily thrown into chaos by one lost hour. And for parents? Well, good luck adjusting your kids to the new time.

That being said, there are a few small silver linings. Sunset in Applewood will jump from roughly 6:15 p.m. to past 7:15 p.m., giving us longer, brighter evenings to enjoy. The extra daylight can be a boost for mood and productivity—once we all recover from the initial sleep deprivation, of course.

So, what can you do to make the transition easier? Experts suggest adjusting your bedtime gradually, getting plenty of morning light, and avoiding caffeine after 2 p.m. If all else fails, just embrace the annual tradition of complaining about the time change for the next week, using it as an excuse for any delays.

Whether you love or hate it, DST is here. Set your clocks forward before bed on Saturday night, and may your Sunday be filled with strong coffee and minimal yawning.